
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bridals with Jessie and Sarah

Today is a fun post for me not only because I LOVE the photos Im about
to show you, but also because it is my 100th blog post this year!  I feel like
confetti should be falling around me right now...
Its going to be a big post too...since its a big occasion and all :)
So, last week I got to take photos with Jessie (you may remember her 
from here) and Sarah.  I had a lot of fun with this shoot and tried some fun
things and they were all a go.  Ok, I cant wait any longer I have to show you 
now.  Enjoy!!

Jessie & Sarah

I LOVE the new hair color Jessie, I know I said that a million times...but really.  Love it.

NEVER change that red....ever.   not never.

Maybe these are a little bright and all, but I like them.  We were laughing so 
hard then...and the Jessie got dizzy and fell over.

Aaaaand I die.  I love love love her classic features.  I could 
stare at this all day.  all day.

Couldn't decide between color and Black and White.  So I didn't.

I feel like she could be in a magazine here.  

Oooh Child....oooooooooh chiiiiiiiild!  You are too much for words.

  I love your face Sarah.  Love. it.

This could be my favorite.  I love Jessies blue blue eyes and their clear skin...the hair 
with the green green grass.  Can I just take you girls with me everywhere I go?  

Jessie...You were really nice to climb up that hill. I like what we got.

Thank you thank you thank you girls for such a fun evening.  We should do it
once a month!  I hope you like...and I think the boys will be pleased not only 
with the pics, but with the dresses coming back in wonderful condition!

Ok, so now Im going to post a couple more of ones that I really really like.  I try 
to practice "take one for me and one for thee" on each shoot.  Now, all of these
I love, but the next ones...Im not so sure the girls will...or any one else for that matter.
Josh is very creeped out by them...I think they are lovely.  

I love how they have this unreal look to them.  You can tell what they are, but they almost 
don't look human.  I love that.  I could hang these all over my house. 

Thank you for reading and have a great Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. Oh these are wonderful, whimsical and I love them all!! Jessies eyes are ever so stunning all the time and that red hair puts my newly red top to shame. The very last one is perfect... I do like them:)


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