
Friday, July 29, 2011

Wear the Dress....Again....?

Yeah, the name says it and the dirt stains prove it...we trashed the dress.
I promised Mandy and even more importantly, HER MOTHER we wouldn't actually
TRASH the dress.  I wanted...and still come up with another name for 
those sessions after the wedding where you wear the wedding dress again and look
all fancy-like.  I just couldn't come up with anything clever, cute, edgy enough just yet...
so we went ahead and just trashed it :) 

I totally thought I was prepared for this session.  I thought, oh its JUST a dress...
 mj better never want to trash her dress or i swear ill spank her 35 year old toosh!
I kept asking Mandy in the most timid of voices "you think you could maybe want to perhaps...
ahem...laydownonthatrock?"  I thought maybe if I said it really fast and 
really quiet she wouldn't hear me and it would never happen...she heard and it happened.  
After the 4th or 5th time I think I got more and more acquainted with the idea, until
finally I got so brave I asked her to completely submerge herself in the little 
pond/creek/very cold spring.  

I honestly had so much fun with this session.  It was my first, lets go ahead and call 
it, Trash the Dress session ever!  And I thank you Mandy for being my first victim :)
You were such a trooper, and I sincerely hope that after the stains are 
dry cleaned out and the water logged fabric has dried, you, your mom...and perhaps
even your dad will enjoy these photos!!  

seriously Mandy, you have to be the cutest little're like a little wedding fairy!

She and Calvin enjoy fly fishing much!!

GAAAHHHH, you're adorable!

I was in that water was freezing.....nobody should be able to smile 
that big in THAT cold of water!!  Nobody except super Mandy!

Fave of the day!!  shiiiiiiiiigh 

Now, thanks to Mandy I am a professional dress trasher, so come on gals...pull 
out those dresses and lets go jump in a lake!!

And for real, lets do some brain bustin' and think of a new name 
for this fun session....

Enjoy you weekend!!  Im off to the library to look up some synonyms to the word trash.

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