
Thursday, July 28, 2011

What I

Some of you may wonder from day to day "what is it that inspires Melodie?"
Ok, so maybe a couple of you?  Mom?  

Well, regardless of if you have ever wondered or not, imma bout to tell ya!

Here are some of my favorite sites to surf for the couple hours while Mac is 
sleeping.  Number one lately...

This site always gives me something quirky and fun to read, watch, 
ponder.  You should go there fast...but not until you are finished reading this 
of course.  

Second:  Pinterest.  
Learn it.  love it.  Pin it.  Now. 

I could easily spend all day on this site.  forever.


#3-------A Beautiful Mess-------3#

This is a blog of all things vintage, handmade, adorableness.

I love I love I love.


Now for some photo genius inspiration....these are 
the people that keep me knowing its okay.  Who inspire me
to keep on doing what I do and not to worry too much.  These
are the top three photographers that inspire this photographer.

Jasmine Star....DUH!

This gal will never fail to keep me calm, collected and ever inspired.  Thanks j*

bobbi+mike logo
This cool couple is just so much fun.  Bobbi is seriously on of the funniest
people on earth, no joke.  And they are wonderful photographers!

And this sassy kitten

I stumbled upon this girl I don't know how, that is irrelevant though...what isn't
irrelevant is how she has helped me so much to understand that im not 
the only on out there trying to make it work and having ups and downs...
she just inspires me not to give up.  I have kept up with her from the moment I read this
I needed that post. I needed it because I was just starting to realize that 
a photography business is a lot more...LOT MORE than just taking neat photos...
I had that part down...I had no IDEA what I was supposed to do next.  Thank you Morgan.

So here are a few of my favorite things.  What are yours?  I am dying to know 
what inspires you from day to day.  

Happy Friday Eve!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, you TOTALLY made my day! Um, being up there with J* and BB+MK?! What an honor! Holy cow. Thank you so much. And yes... we're so long distance photo BFF's. :)

    Oh, and Hello Giggles.... LOVE it.


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