
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Welcome Baby Jonah!

I cannot even tell you how excited I am to show you these photos.

August 12th little Jonah Bryan Wurster graced the world with his presence.  
Thank you for that Jonah, youre a blessing.  
Today he and his mama came to visit and we, of course, had 
to take some pics.  He is so sweet.  I mean, babies are sweet already, but 
Jonah, he is like...southern sweet tea sweet.  Like, make your tooth
beg for some water sweet.  Like, you aint sleeping for days from all the sugar
flowin' kind of sweet.

I love a lot of these so forgive me if there are too many.  But who doesn't like
to look at photos of cute babies right?  Right. 

Ok, so here goes.  Prepare to be saying a lot of aaaaaaaaawes.

We attempted hanging this little bag up with him inside it, but 
so Jacob will allow Kacey to ever come see me again, I will not be posting 
any of those :/  It didn't well :)  We'll just leave it at that.

Oh.  Oh my.  Oh my golly.

Oh look, a basket fulla baby.

Piggies and biscuits.

Mac is in awe.  Loves him so much.  In fact, every day we have to play "baby Jonah"

Favorite alert!

wait...NEW favorite alert!

No no.  This one is.  I can have more than one or two...or ten.  Its my blog, what 
I say goes, K?  :)

So was I right?  Sweet as pie huh?  

I know.  I know.

Happy Saturday evening.  

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