
Friday, September 17, 2010


Today is the day I will bid farewell to a good friend.  A friend that has been there for me for some years now, more years than I deserved.  This friend I speak of is my old computer, D.   He lived for almost 6 years with me.  I put him through some heavy work I did, and he just keep on kickin'.  He was there for me  through every song I made him play...all the gigantic photos I made him open over and over again...He complained some...but only some. Then came that dreadful day last week...I got a wasn't good news.  His system was failing.  He had already lost 14 keys...There was nothing I could do.  He would have to bee put down.  I couldn't think straight...I couldn't believe what I was seeing.   How would I take photos anymore?  How could I talk to people for hours on end on FB?  How would I live without him?  

I will miss you big D.  



Well, hello....whats your name?  Mac eh?'re cute. 

Ok, I know, im a little silly....a little...only sometimes.  Here are some fun photos for you to see just what I had to deal with with this old thing.  It really was missing 14 keys by the time it quit.  It was like 15 joke.  17 inch screen...and yeah, that was nice in a way, but waaaaay to big to take anywhere.  It lasted me way longer than it should have, but I am so happy to have this new one.  Thanks to Joshs mom Charise.   I am so thankful for her.   I don't know what I would be doing right now if she wasn't to generous.  I seriously was thinking I may have to cancel all my upcoming shoots...including 2 weddings...but nope, she wouldn't allow that.  So yeah!!  Here you go.  Thanks again D for being such a good computer for all those years and thanks Charise for the help with the new Mac.

This is what I had to work with for mooooonths!

And nooooow...

The old guy was like 3 times as thick as the new one!

Yeah, look at that...mammoth!

ps.  Photobooth is so funny...

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