
Thursday, September 9, 2010

gettin it together...

Wow, I am a lucky lady folks.  A couple days ago I had the pleasure of getting to do lunch with an amazing photographer based out of Fayetville.  He comes from Joplin as well.  Dale Benfield.  I have looked up to his work for quite sometime now and was very happy when I shot him an email of crazyness asking him for any advice he could give me on really getting the business going.  To my suprise he emailed me back immediately saying he would be happy to help and lets do lunch.  So we met and I was peeing my pants a little...noooo...but yeah.  I know, maybe thats lame, but this guy knows his stuff.  He has done it....he is doing it...and I want to be doing it too....ok..this is starting to sound strange...point is, I was just maybe a little nervous.  Like he would be like, "yeah, you pretty much know nothing...stop while you can" but he didn't.  For goodness sake he was talking about hanging out with THE TOP photographers in the industry like it was nothing...Im like...really....youre good friends with BECKER[b] School Becker?...amazing wedding photographer Becker?...oh you KNOW Jasmine Star huh?!  Jessica Claire too? biggggs...guess what?  I know BETH...and he was like....yeah....Beths amazing.  Seriously...He was very funny, and SOOOO helpful.  I hardly had to ask a thing.  It was like he could read my mind and knew what questions I would be asking.  Perhaps it is because he has been in my position at one time too and remembers what questions he had.  I dont know...perhaps he is telepathic.  Either way, he was very helpful and I feel so much better with where I am right now.  I have already taken his tips and advice on many things he suggested and I feel great about it. 

And on another topic of exciting news...WPPI is happening for me this year for sure.  Thaks to my friend Kacey (check out her new blog here).  I told her how much I wanted to go and she said she would like to go as well and we could just drive together...and she can get a discount for being a LETS BOOK IT!  And we are...its happening.  shiiiigh. 

And here is a photo because no blog is complete without one...

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