
Saturday, September 4, 2010

This is what gratitude looks like...

So this morining I woke up and thought "hey, you missed Project Runway this week"  so I pulled it up on my telly and began to watch...and then I thought "hmmm, wonder if I have any mail..."  so I made Josh go see and oh my goodness I HAD A PACKAGE!  What could it be you may be pondering...ill tell you.  It was the most lovely gift...a beautiful site...a wonderous...wonder.  Ill tell you what it was in a moment, but first I have to do some explaining.  You may recall the wedding I shot in Ohio for Chad and Melissa about a month ago.  Well, Chad is a great photo taker himself and I was telling him a little about the Shootsac and how amazing it is and how bad I want...I mean...NEEEED one.  That was that.  I thought every photographer needed to know about it and have one.  So, what do you think I got in the mail?  Nope, not a Shootsac, a....MAD SAC!!  (i know thats a super lame name but ist all I could come up with for Chad and Melissa in one word...whatever!)  Yes, they MADE me one and it is beautiful, amazing, everything I could ask for!  Not only is it a camera bag just like the shootsac, its a computer bag like the Hip Slip also made by Jessica Claire.  It has so many great little details.  The cover, which is so my style with the lovely goldenrod color and paisley print.  It has the three pouches inside great for three different lenses and super easy access...its also great because of the soft material I can keep the lenses uncapped during a shoot.  There are little pockets on the inside and a sweet little pouch great for batteries, extra memory cards and lipgloss!  Now for the bestest, most clever part I think...The cover comes off and doubles as a little mat that a bride in a stunning white dress can sit on for a shot instead of the ground!  WHAT?!  I dont even know how to say how very touched I am that they would be so thoughtful.  It is such wonderful gift with a personal touch that I will forever be able to look at and remember the time I spent with them and the great time I had there.  It remindes me of why I love doing this...not because I get rad gifts in return, but because I was able to make someone so happy that they wanted to go that extra little bit to let me know it.  Thank you Melissa and Thank you Chad.  You make me love what I do even more.  And I didn't think that was possible.  Thank you.

1 comment:

Show a little love...Thanks!

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