
Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Few Tips...and Day 3:  A Photo of Your Favorite Place to be.

Ok, so day three is here.  Time to post my favorite place to be...but first 
I would like to go over a couple of things that have been brought up by 
many a folk participating in this.  First, my roomy (the brains of the household) brought
it to my attention that this challenge is a bit...well...challenging.  I was like "um, what-a-ya
mean George?"  He brought up a good point that I didn't really think about because
well...obviously I either, One: don't make it a point to think too much, or 2: am a 
mad genius with such a vast amount of knowledge in the world of photography
that it just didn't strike me until hit upon the head with it.  I like to think 
number 2, you just decide for yourself k?  But don't tell me.  (unless it is also 
number 2 ;) )
He said "well, maybe people don't know how to do some of these things
or even what it means.  Like what the crap heck is Bokeh?"
WELL DUH!!  Why didn't I think about that?!  I bet some of you are 
googleing it up right now huh?  Well here is the thing.  If you don't know what 
Bokeh is or how to get a silhouette
 or how to photograph a motion (which I too am just now learning to master)
IT IS OK!  This is meant to be fun most of all.  And if you learn something 
along the way too...GREAT!  I hope you learn something new with every photo, but
dont stress out about weather I or anyone else is sitting in our library puffing away 
on our bubble pipes scoffing at your ridiculous interpretation of bokeh saying 
(now you have to say this with a british accent with your lips pursed and nose 
in the air ok...otherwise it may not make sense :) )
"oh, what a sad little fool...that isn't bokeh, thats just merely a smudge upon 
his/her pathetic little excuse of a camera"

We are ALL, including myself, doing this for fun.  I am using it as an excuse to 
play around with different settings, and lighting, and of course to make fun of 
everyone else's photos.  I KID!

I cant believe how many people are doing it.  I have got a couple messages 
suggesting I join in on this thing that people are doing for 30 days!  It makes me 
giggly.  I love seeing all your ideas.  So, I said I had a tip, here it is.  

What is Bokeh....since this is the nearest one I think some may have troubles with.  
There are many definitions, but this is a pretty good one described by Ken Rockwell.

Bokeh describes the rendition of out-of-focus points of light.It describes the appearance or "feel" of out-of-focus backgrounds and foregrounds.
Differing amounts of spherical aberration alter how lenses render out-of-focus points of light, and thus their bokeh. The word "bokeh" comes from the Japanese word "boke" (pronounced bo-keh) which literally means fuzziness or dizziness.

Still a little confused?  Here is an example of my own.

See the fuzzy little circles in the background?  THATS BOKEH MY FRIEND!!

And yep, you can get that with your iphone too :)

Now, for my Day 3 photo!!!  
Please know that above all things I would rather be nowhere more than 
in-between the two most adorable kids I know Mac and MJ, but since neither 
one of them would cooperate, I had to opt for number two....which is in my garden!!

I love love love playing in the dirt, watching the kids plant flowers, and 
becoming so very very impressed when everything starts to come up.  It 
gives me the amazement of a child every year too.  

Have a good day and have some fun with tomorrows challenge!!
Oh, and if anyone else has ANY other questions...feel free to ask ( I don't 
really have a library or a bubble pipe, so no worries).

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