
Monday, September 19, 2011

30 Day Challenge!!

Happy Monday all, hope it is vooooonderful!   So, as i'm sure you all know, 
(and may be yourself) I am addicted to Pinterest.  I found it a few months ago 
and find that it is just the best little invention since the interweb was brought to life.  
A couple days ago while browsing all the wonderful things Pinterest has to offer, 
I came across this fun little challenge from
and decided it was a wonderful idea.  
I love taking photos (duh) and I love having a reason to take them EVERY DAY.

I know there are many many many of you reading this that area like "I love 
taking photos every day too!"

So lets do this challenge together yes?  Challenges are much less...well, challenging
when you have a friend or two involved in it to keep you motivated....or photovated in this 
case!  ha! Photovated!  So who is with me?  Lets do it.  

Don't have a fancy camera?  Who gives a doo!  You have a phone right?
Use your phone!   This can be as fancy and outside of the box or as 
easy and straight forward as you like it to be.  

So, here is how I will be doing it, and you can do it this way too if you choose.
I will start TODAY.  Yep, why not.  Its the beginning of the week and im excited.  I will be taking 
the photo one day and posting them the today is a self portrait, tomorrow I will post 
it.  Easy peasy!  So find yourself a Photovator (i'm killing myself here) and lets do it!!

Who wants to be mine?


I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to know if you will be doing this with me, and I would love even more
to see the photos you are taking each day.  So, leave me a link here to your blog, or post them on
Facebook and tag me in them so I see!!  

Lets have some fun.  


  1. Oh YEA, I am so going to do this;) Thanks, I needed that..except now that means I have to look presentable:P

  2. right...I was just thinking that. I am SO not looking good today, seeming that Lennon & I are both home sick. :)


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