
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Still alive and kickin'

Hello all you loyal loving fans out there (mom) IM BACK!  I finally got the internet again after the big move and now promise (hope) to post someting for you all (one) way more often....promise.  So let me just give you a quick (very long) little (quite large) summary (novel) of what I have been up to the last 2ish months.

First things first...I moved to Bentonville Arkansas and I am loving it so far.  At first I was going a little (lot) stir crazy not knowing where anything was, but soon got it all (mostly all) figured out.  Before I moved I did two things...well probably a few more than two, but two that will be blogged about.  I cut my hair a little (a whole lotta nonthin' was left on my head).  I know you cant really see the amount of nothing left, but there really was nonthing left...but I love it.

After that I took some pictures of a friend Jonathan.  They turned out super fun.  I cant wait to do another shoot with him.  Here are a few for you to enjoy.

Handsome feller.

So I move, I cut my hair, and I took pictures of Jonathan...the end....NOOOOO...not the end.
I have been so lucky to have the opprotunity to stay home with Mac Man every day during the week and work on the weekends and it has been a blast.  Really, I know these tiny moments will be gone in the click of an aperture so I feel blesses...yes Josh, blessed to have these moments with now I will be able to really focus on getting this photo thing up and running!  So Mac is growing and begining to get into some things (everything) sometimes (alllllll the time).  For Here is one quick peek...more to come on this soon.

He is such a hoot all the time.  He has always had such a great, fun, full of life and goofiness personality, but it is just becoming bigger and goofier everyday. 

speakin of goofie...there is number 1 goof ball gal right there!

Looooove you MJ.

So shortly after I moved here I did a shoot with a lovely little baby girl named Addison.  Her grandmother (HI Cathleen) had this beautiful little dress that I believe was hers when she was a baby, that she had her other grandbaby shot in and wanted Addison to be as thats where I came in.  I loved these.  LOOOOOVE.  What a lovely little baby with aaaahhhhhmazing eyes.

What a pleasure. 

Oh did I mention how much Mac likes to ride his lil bitty bike?  So much....His little legs-a-goin' like a cartoon...its awesome.  I have a video of that ill have to post.  Stay tuned for that too.

Oh and he can fly...

"super baby divin' down to help somebody"
theme song written and performed by MaryJayne Maynard.

Now that we are on the subject of crazy girls named MaryJayne and her they are...crazy as ever.

Look at these yayhoos!!

never a quiet moment.



And now for the main event...drum roll please...brbrrrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb...I shot a wedding a couple weeks ago in Ohio for a friend of mine Chad DiBlasio and his very beautiful wife Melissa.  It was very fun once I arrived but the gettin there is what really got me.  I had to an airplane...over the the  haha.  no but yeah, I did.  "have you never flown before Melodie?"  you may ask...and I will respond..."yes...yes I have"  with my head down a little embarrased like.  I have many times and still cry like the pinky toe piggy every time.  I caused a 10 minute delay in my first flight this time because of the panic attack I had.  But, on the up side...I did get a nice round of applause when I finally did decide to board the plane...hey it was better than paper being thrown at my head.  I arrived in one piece there and back and every flight got better, which is a lot to say for me, because they are usually worse every time.  It did help that my second flight I sat by a pilot and every time I heard a strange noise she would assure me it was all normal and my last flight I sat the whole way with a 14 month old baby boy on my I couldnt really justify crying when he wasnt.  Enough of that.  I loved this wedding not only because it was super fun and beautiful, but the people there were amazing.  I stayed at the home of a young lady named Kara.  She was such a ray of sunshine.  Seriously.  She and her mother made me feel so welcome and at home.  Thank you guys for that.  I really did.  And even though I only ran into her dad on the way out the door the morning I was leaving, he was a pleasure as well.  I cant wait for the huge garage sale they have all across the state next year...ill be there so make room again! 
Chad and Melissa, Congrats again.  Thank you for the opprotunity to do this.  Here are a few for you to enjoy for the moment from the wedding....Ill post more on this later as well.

Thank you for spending half your day reading this...I hope it was worth your time. 
Be seeing you soon.


  1. Oh my gosh, so glad you are still alive and well I can see:) WELL of course you are amazing and your eyeballs are so captivating..not just capturing moments but preserving the utmost/stand up/flawless/everlasting/down pat/ mint condition EVER fotos:) I love love love your view on this life and I wish you hadnt moved BUT I am so stoked for you and Mac boy getting to stay home and love on each other:)!!!
    You better email me soon cause I got some things to talk to you about..hehe
    Next time you are in town let me know!!

  2. Beth, I just love you. Thank you. I wish you guys would move here now. um, oh and YES I will let you know when I come up next. AND, did I ever tell you how blown away I was with the enagement session you did at redoak? LOVED them. Was jealous actually of how grand they were. :) Like...WHAAAAAAA?? DAAAAAANG Beth....daaaaaang.


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