
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Better than a tongue can tell

This Saturday, June 12, 2010 I lost my dear grandma Mary Jayne Maynard.  She passed peacefully early in the morning after eating a bit of breakfast.  I love her so much.  She was always my best and I was her tootsie.  She always knew how to make me feel better either with her witty humor or great hugs.  I will never forget a moment we had or a story she told me.  She gave me so much and I am so thankful to have had her in my life for so long.  I have peace knowing she is no longer in pain and finally back with her husband and sons...and sisters...and many friends.  I love you Grandma, better than a tongue can tell!

My grandma and grandpa in 1945 a few month before they got you see where I got my good looks?  ;)

I love this one of her and my mama.  My mom had little feet once! awe

golly she was purty.

And really silly sometimes.

And full of sass most of the time.  "I shlap you one, I kill you surrre"

always smokin' a "pimp stick" as she like to refer to them as.

I liked to take all the residence as the Sarcoxie Nursing Center little goodies from time to time and once I took them all cotton candy.  Boy was that a hit!

"Im 91?"

No matter how much she forgot from day to day, she never forgot who MaryJayne or McCartlon were.  They were the sunshine in her day.

We have the same smile...look at that...same.

Thank you Grandma for all you taught me, for all the memories, for all the smiles, all the funny quotes and questionable humor.  Thank you for being my grandma.  I will miss you forever and love you for always.  Bestfriends.  Christos voskrese! 

I love you better than a tongue can tell,

Love, Tootsie

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