
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Night time Picher

So the other night McCartlon went to stay the night with Grandma for the first time.  It was scary, but he had a great time and so did Grandma.  Well, I felt like I should be doing something like walking around walmart or taking a midnight stroll so Aaron (my roomie) and I decided to head to Picher for some night shots.  It was super creepy and really fun.  I felt like it was a mission to the moon after trying to sustain life there a failing.  I loved it.  I hope you will too.


1 comment:

  1. OOOOO I do love:) the color on these are awesome and I love the ones of Sam...kinda david rock lady. And I would love for you to take some pics of the boys and me some day!!!!


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