
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

McGuire Family Fun

Well, I finally got to shoot my friends Kristine and Mike and their sweet little baby Lucas.  I think I got some really cute photos for them...Lucas was cracking me up.  He has the best facial expressions ever and makes great noises.  He was sucking on that bottom lip like mad all day...workin on that tooth!  Hopefully it will work its way out soon so mommy can get some rest.  Anyway, here they are.  Enjoy.

Look at those eyes!  Amazing.  And that little lip thing he is doing...too cute.

And this is the moment after the squeezed the poor guinepig.  hahahahah


too the great outdoors for a stroll in the red wagon.

such a lovely family!

Ok, so these next ones were so funny...he was having a good time for a minute
and then got real mad like.

He is looking at me like...please help.

The end. 
I love you guys.

oh, how could I forget the cat!

1 comment:

  1. OH My my these are so scrumptious..I meant to say something sooner, maybe I said something on FB. Either way I love the coloration on these photographs. They're such a cute family.


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