
Friday, September 24, 2010

My baby drove up in a brand new...cadillac

Wednesday was a super fun day with my wonderful friend Kacey.  We started the day with 
some yum yummmm hot dogs from Instant Karma.  I was so happy when she asked
if I wanted to go there for lunch because since I moved that is all I have been craving
and they keep on tormenting me with their posts about the daily specials and it
its making me very hungry and jealous everyday.  Plus they have 
some really fun art up right now.  You should really go eat there, but don't
tell me about it, unless you have a hot dog for me!...I might move 
back just for these hot dogs...anyway...we left there and got a cupcake not at all worthy
enough to be mentioned in this blog...sad sad cupcake...:(  From the sad cupcake we went
back to her house to get ready and then took a trip back to the 50's.  I was so happy
when Kacey asked me to do these photos and she said she had some luggage and had 
this brilliant ideas of doing photos at a train depot...not like the joplin depot pics that
have all been done before...thats so 2006, but like at a real train depot station place with
trains...but guess what, there are none of those to be found around here, so 
we went to Red Oak II...I know...I love that sue me!  Its awesome.
I knew they had some fun old cars and the buildings were the best so thats where we
headed and I couldn't be more happy that we did.  Feast your vision balls upon these beauties.

Love this one...her smile is contagious!

thank you my sweet Mother Mary for these delicious colors...thank you

and thank you her brilliant baby Jesus for black and whites like this.

this is what i live for.  seriously.  i'm serious. 

smiles...all over my face.

and this...right here...this is how the whole days was.  She was laughing and it was genuine, and beautiful,
and full of fun.  I loved this day.  Thank you both for it!

Good day!!


  1. Dear Lord baby Jesus, lyin' there in your ghost manger, just lookin' at your Baby Einstein developmental videos, learnin' 'bout shapes and colors...thank you for my friend Melodie and her fabulous visionary eyeballs. These are great, I love it!!! I would like to visit the 50's daily and this is just brilliant.

  2. hhhhhhhahahahahah, I just totally did one of those laughs where you cant quite get it out because it is stuck in the back of your throat and sounds like a i did. Beth I love you


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