
Saturday, May 15, 2010


This week I had the pleasure of thaking photos for my friend Megan of her kiddos.  Let me tell you, we had fun.  At least I know I did.  They were a hoot.  T'kayah and M'kyrain are their names and they are just amazing.  T'kayah...aka momo....or ross as she told me some like to call her, is seriously the next Tyra.  No joke, man that girl knows how to work the camera.  And M'kyrain, well, he is just all boy no doubt.  Full of fun, crazy, Camaro lovin' energy.  I hope you will enjoy this post as much as I enjoyed taking the photos. 


run run run run runnin'!

I LOVE this picture.  She looks so much like a sweet angel.  Like in a fairy tale.  Just beautiful.

Oh, and whats this?  hmmm...wonder what happens if I just.....

running dow the hill....aaaannnnnd.....crash!

"Hey!  Ky!  LOOK a Camaro!!"  Thats all we could do to get him to look in a direction we wanted him to and half the time it didnt even work, but made for some cute photos.  Here they are looking under rocks for one.


Ok, so I LOVE this one.  We were trying so hard to get Ky to be a part of the photo...and he is EVERYTHING in this photo!

And now T'kayah again...workin' it some more.


So much fun!  Thank you Megan for having me do this. 

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