
Thursday, December 17, 2009

it's a sunshine day

I knew today was going to be great from the moment I woke up, and it was.  The sun was shining, McCartlon was in a good hair was on my side today.  Work was busy, but it slowed down fast so I was able to get out a bit earlier than usual.  When I walked outside to head to my car, I couldnt believe how warm it was out.  Not really really warm, but warm enough that I didnt have to wear my coat, so I thought...PICNIC TIME YEAH YEAH!!  So I packed some things for us to eat, picked up Mac, and headed to a fun park.  Now, he has never really got to run around and really enjoy a park, and he is really unsure about grass...i know...strange, so it was really fun to see him just take off and really have a blast and it was a really great time to take some photos of course!  So here you go, I hope you will enjoy!



now he is bookin' it everywhere...except where there is grass...

see...he hates it...

really hates it

but he tried

thats enough for him...time for a nap.

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