
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pictures in the Park....SUCCESS!!

Sorry its been so darn long since he last blog, things have been...busy, to say the least.
As most of you know, im guessing, last weekend was the Pictures in the Park 
weekend.  Im not going to lie, I was totally expecting it to be the worst idea.
Honestly, I was really excited, but though Murphy was going to rear his 
ugly head.  Not because im a total pessimist or anything, but because this
was the first time I had done such a thing...I mean 20 shoots in 2 days?  WHAT? 
Plus all the rain that was supposed to come got me a little discouraged. 
But guess was AHHHHMAZING!  The first family showed
up at 8 am on Saturday and it went so smoothly I was pumped from 
that point on!  I can honestly say I was very pleased with every session
and I am hoping everyone was pleased with what they got. Even
the ones we had to do in the rain turned out great.  I found a really
great covered area just around the corner that worked 
out beautifully.  
 I couldn't have done it AT ALL though without my assistant Kacey there.  She 
totally took charge and blew me away with her ability to just know what 
I needed her to do.  She was, I would say the most important part
of the day almost.  I mean, yeah, I was taking the photos and one
could argue that without the picture taker...there would be no pictures...
well one would be correct if they though that, but one would have to 
understand that without Kacey...all those hobos would have stolen 
my gear and nobody would have got their discs in a timely manner. 
I would probably still be there editing right now.  She would be like "seriously
Melodie, pick up the pace"  and I would argue, but it would make
me work faster.  She would call me on my walkie talkie, 
and if she wouldn't have been there to do that...I would have spent
all day on the first session.  She really is a great special helper...I kid Kacey
she is a great special ASSISTANT!

So without further are some of the bests of each session 
from this wonderful experience.  

The first session was Abby and her fun son Justice.  So cute.  Check out those lashes.

Story Bug has grown beautiful.

Thatcher and Bella were sooooo stinkin cute and fun to shoot!

Now for Sydney and her moms and pops


Britney and her beauties.  I loved how they were all in perfect fall colors.  I 
think they turned out awesome!

Amy and her little ones....LOVE

Now for Jordan and Jordan! 

And for the last one of day one.  Heather and her family funs. 

Day two we started with little Thatcher again...but this time very shy...
made for some super cute pics though, so thanks for that buddy!

Crystals little cuties

Oh this family was cracking me up...LOVED THEM!  So much fun.

and this little lady was so darling...she came with a bouquet of flowers she picked me!

Amber and her loverlies!


And my BFF from way back Delci!  Marshall was cracking me up!

Last but not least, Tanasha and Titan

Thank you again to everyone who participated and made
this super successful.  I loved it.  I hope you will 
forever enjoy your photos!


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful..Love them all!! Great shots gorgeous familys..lovely eyes..great colors..and I was listening to the Shins whilst looking at your pics..just made it that much better;) Love you girly I think you amazing. Thanks for sharing!!


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