
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Nevaeh baby!

So, this last Saturday and Sunday I made yet another journey to the Joplin town.  It was great 
as usual.  I got to kick it old school with my good buddy Kacey and got to see my mommy.
Yes, I like to call her mommy still, what!?  Saturday I got to take pictures of my 
little cousin Nevaeh, and wow...that was a fun, challenging, heart-stopping was fun
because she is so cute and funny...she says some super funny things a lot!  She
is so little and sweet, I just love her!  it was challenging because she is a
little trickster...first when I saw her she was all about 
getting her pictures taken that day.  She was so excited about wearing that
pretty dress and necklace and it was adorable...but guess what...oh yes, 
as soon as we get to the park...out comes this camera shy little lady
that only wanted to play play play...and how can you blame a 3 year old for 
only wanting to have fun?  So she doesn't want her pictures taken, no 
biggie, I can deal with that, Ill just trick tricking this little one.  She 
saw right through that.  Yeah, I got out smarted by a 3 year old.   She would look
at me and with the most serious little face and stern voice would say "stop following
me now" or "leave me alone" you tell me how to keep taking pictures when
something so little and sweet is pleading with you to just quit it?  Its hard...but I did it...
I chased her around like I was the paparazzi and she was Britney...does Britney even get 
followed anymore?  who knows, anyway the heart-stopping part you ask?  Oh yes, 
I almost died a time or two this day because first darn thing that happens is 
little Nevaeh climbs up the big big slide and up there waiting like a hawk
was a little boy about 4 times her size...or at least 2 times...and is like...
PUSHHHHH!!!  yeah, pushes her face first down the slide....and kaboom...
Her sweet little kisser right in the rocks!  I almost kicked that kid.  Not really...
but I did get real mad and almost cried too.   That didn't stop her though...
she got right back up and went up to the top and straight to the boy and 
said..."can you please not push me down anymore, that hurt"  holy moly 
breakin my heart!  So enough already, where are the pics?  Here you go. 



Oh, Hello!


Yeah, feet...i know.

Um...hello prettiest little girl EVER!

So, yeah, you never would know that she was soooo not enjoying this right?  RIGHT!!!  Love your face Nevaeh!


  1. These are sooooo good Mel!! I love the color and she is so stinkin beautiful..Dude I love reading your BLOG!!:) you are hilarious.

  2. hahaha, well Im glad youre not saying "mel, dude, you should just post pictures, cause the things that come out of your mouth most of the time are making me not like you and think you smell bad" cause thats how I feel they sound a lot. I have told Josh that once I hit it big and am rich and famous and can afford to, im going to hire him to write my blogs...and the fact that he doesn't disagree worries me. hah!


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