
Monday, August 30, 2010

Its 7am and I don't have to work...Mac isn't awake...I have nowhere to go for quite a while, yet im still up and ready for the day and happy about it.  "why?" or "what the heck, go back to bed you loon!" you may be thinking.  Well, I am up and around because I just simply feel like it.  I love this feeling of being ready to go at any moment.  I have kinda set that aside lately because of the new situation with work and staying home with Mac during the days.  It is just so easy to fall into the groove of not getting ready until I have to...or at all even.  I know, lame. But I figure, we play outside...we play inside...we eat lunch, we play more...and then...nothing...why get ready for nothing?  Because it feels good darn it.   I am setting a new set of goals today.  A set of goals to scratch off my to do list for the next 6 months.  Most of these goals will be going towards shaping a business plan for my photography...Enough sitting around until I HAVE to do something, because then NOTHING well ever be accomplished.  And more than anything, I want to carry out this goal no, mission.  And I will. 

So, now that I have had my morning trumpet call...its time for some Dinosaur train for Mac and 200 crunches for mama...

Oh, and since no blog is really any fun without at least one being very silly as I practiced capturing movevment...

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