
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas fun

Well, it was a pretty great Christmas/moms birthday.  We had like 6 or 7 inches of snow and lots of cold, but it was great.  McCartlon loved all the paper and totally made out like a bandit.  MaryJayne loved the snow...a lot. 

I cant believe he is walking...

they are BestFriends!

check out that hair!
Man he loves that rocket!!  Thank you Charise and Barry!

An over all great day.

1 comment:

  1. Those are so great! I cant believe he's walking either, that little guy:) That hair shot is fantastic. ha
    Well hope you had a good Christmas and have a happy New Year.
    I think we are going to our friends parents New Year's Eve tattoo party...(wink wink):)


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